
Have you ever felt passion so powerful it feels like a fire inside you? Or a feeling that burns hotter and brighter than anything else in your life?


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Dimensions 10 × 10 in
✧ Mixed media oil on gallery-wrapped canvas.

1 in stock




Have you ever felt passion so powerful it feels like a fire inside you? Or a feeling that burns hotter and brighter than anything else in your life?

For some, this passion is all-consuming. It’s a catalyst for change and growth, pushing the individual to new heights and forcing them to confront their fears. It’s what drives them to achieve their goals and realize their dreams.

Others find passion in more mundane things.

Passion is a powerful emotion. It can inspire us to do great things.

Passion is a fire inside us. And like all fires, it needs to be tended. We need to have the courage to ignite it and the strength to control it.

When we dare to ignite our passion, we can achieve anything. We can change the world.

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Every print and original is packaged with love and care.