“Unleash the Power”

This majestic 36″wide x 48″tall lion painting by Kat Cloutier is more than just a piece of art—it’s a statement.

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Dimensions 36 × 48 in




This majestic 36″wide x 48″tall lion painting by Kat Cloutier is more than just a piece of art—it’s a statement. Crafted with passion and precision, this painting captures the raw, untamed spirit of the king of the jungle. The bold strokes and vibrant colors bring the lion to life, making it a captivating centerpiece for any room. Imagine the strength, courage, and regal presence of the lion radiating from your wall, inspiring you and your guests every day. This isn’t just about owning a painting; it’s about inviting power and majesty into your space. Embrace the wild, embrace the freedom. Let the spirit of the lion roar in your home!

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Dimensions 36 × 48 in

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